Illustration & Urban Regeneration

The itinerant illustrator offers a singular, fleeting perspective of a space which can capture something that might not be visible to those closer to it, such as The Resident. The Tourist, visitor or traveller experiences built space in a way that is unique to them and the conditions under which they carry out their ‘visit’. This passing view of built space can provide an interesting perspective on the changes wrought by urban regeneration, perhaps staggered over a period of time.

A view not of what built space is, but what it could be. The dreamer exists across an ever-changing canvas when it comes to urban regeneration, and their perspective is key for insight into the drive behind this change, and what may be yet to come. Illustration here is a tool that makes the visualisation of these dreamt realities possible, conceptualising and capturing that which doesn’t and may not ever exist.

Examining what came before in order to gain insight into both the present and the possible future, this role might make use of illustrative practice in order to document and express insights provided by historical investigation, which can play a key part in the patchwork stories of the urban regeneration of an area.

The voice of the resident illustrator reflects the lived reality of a built space, the day-to-day minutiae of an area, and therefore presents a unique account of the effects and experiences of urban regeneration that are crucial to understanding its impact.

This role might entail the amplification of other perspectives, such as that of The Resident, or perhaps just observing, documenting, and sharing an experience of a built space with regard to urban regeneration, with the aim to educate, amplify, question and critique. Illustration here might involve using reportage to draw out a story, mapping an area, or providing material for interpretation.